Holistic Retreat Massage

A holistic retreat massage is a comprehensive spa treatment that combines various techniques and elements to provide a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating experience. The massage typically lasts for two hours and incorporates several components to enhance the overall therapeutic effect. Here's a breakdown of what you can expect from a holistic retreat massage: Body Scrub, Dry Brushing, Himalayan Salt, Massage, Hot Towels

By combining these elements, a holistic retreat massage aims to provide a comprehensive and luxurious experience that addresses both physical and mental well-being. 

I have had mani pedi's, a few times at the Greensboro Salon. Never disappointed, all the girls are sweet, and do a great job. 👍

Elaine Flury

Stopped in from out of town to get my mother a spa day for her 60th. Super nice staff

Martin M

First time coming, an amazing experience nonetheless. Camille (Hope I spelled her name correctly) was perfect. She communicated every move she needed to make, asked me how I was feeling and took her time and did not rush. Definitely recommend her and this establishment.

Mr. Anderson

Holistic Retreat Massage

Holistic Retreat Massage
